

There is NO in-person registration. All students new to the district or resident children transferring to public schools may register any time during the school year. In order to be admitted to kindergarten in September, a child must be 5 years of age on or before December 1st of the school year in which the child enters kindergarten. Kindergarten students will be given a Kindergarten Readiness Test (KRT) prior to entering school. The purpose of this screening is to prepare for the individual needs of the students. 

Registration forms are in English and Spanish. PowerSchool Enrollment is for families who are new to the district, as well as existing families who need to enroll additional children. If you do not have access to a printer, you can pick-up a registration packet at the Administration Building with the security guard or contact us at 516-733-2160 to have one mailed.


The district will provide transportation for students who live in the district and who attend public or non-public school according to policy set by the Board of Education: 
Grades K-5 living more than .5 mile from school
Grades 6-8 living more than 1 mile from school
Grades 9-12 living more than 1.25 miles from school

 Transportation of children to private and parochial schools outside the district is provided up to a maximum of 15 miles and transportation for disabled children is mandated by state law up to 50 miles. All requests for transportation of non-disabled children attending private and parochial schools outside the district within the 15-mile limit must be made by April 1 preceding the next school year. Questions may be directed to the Supervisor of Transportation at 516-733-2185 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

The District contracts with several bus companies who may be contacted when the transportation office is closed: EBT - Education Bus Transportation: 516-935-2277

Bus passes are mailed at the end of August to parents of eligible students. In order to ensure a smooth school opening, no bus stop changes will be made during the first two weeks of school.


The Board of Education recognizes that regular school attendance is a major component of academic success. Attendance is taken daily at the elementary level and during each class period at the secondary level. Education Law permits excused absences or tardiness for the following reasons only: personal illness; illness or death in the family; impassable roads or weather; religious observance; quarantine; required court appearances; medical/dental appointments that cannot be scheduled outside the school day; approved college visits; military obligations; or such other reasons as may be approved. All other unapproved absences, tardiness or early departures are considered unexcused absences. A comprehensive explanation of the district’s Attendance Policy is available on the district website.
Code of Conduct

The Hicksville School District is committed to providing a safe and orderly school environment where students may receive and district personnel may deliver quality educational services without disruption or interference. Responsible behavior by students, teachers and other district personnel, parents and visitors is essential to achieving this goal. A complete copy of the Code of Conduct is available on the district’s website. 

Reporting to Parents

Student performance is measured and monitored throughout the year and used to inform instructional decisions. Elementary school students receive report cards on a trimester basis. Secondary students receive progress reports alternating with report cards every five weeks. The dates for these are listed on this calendar. Parent Teacher Conferences are offered to all parents of K-5 students. Dates for these conference opportunities are listed in this calendar. 

Parent Dashboard 

The New York State Report Card offers standardized, quantitative measures of accountability for student academic performance required under legislation for student performance. The public can search any public school district and/or individual schools’ Report Cards on NYSED’s Public Data site. 

Emergency School Closings

In the event that a health emergency or inclement weather requires a full district or individual school closure, families will be notified by an automated calling system and through notifications posted to the district’s social media accounts and on the 
district website. 

 Breakfast and Lunch

The District is pleased to offer healthy meals of breakfast and lunch in all schools. The food service operation is provided through a contract with Whitsons Food Service Corp. and is a self-sustaining program. 

Meals may be purchased at full price, or at a discounted price for eligible students. Breakfast is served immediately prior to the start of school each morning, and lunch is served at various times throughout the district. The District contracts with My School Bucks for a point of sales system. Parents may prepay for meals online through this system, as well as view their child’s food purchases. Alerts for food allergies are also included in this system. Parents can call 516-733-2280 if they have questions regarding the food service program.

SCOPE Child Care

In keeping with the district’s desire to provide a safe, well-supervised, enjoyable and reliable environment for children after school hours, an after-school childcare program is available for elementary students. The tuition-based program is operated by SCOPE, a not-for-profit organization chartered by the New York State Board of Regents and licensed by the New York State Department of Social Services. The program will be held at three sites – Woodland, Lee Avenue and Old Country Road schools Students from other district schools will receive transportation to the program, which is open until 6:30 p.m. For more information, call SCOPE Childcare at 631-360-0800 ext. 123.  

Parent Teacher Association

Active involvement in PTA is one of the many ways parents can participate in their children’s education. Each school in the district has a PTA unit that belongs to the national organization founded in 1897, and is dedicated to the improvement of education, health, safety and protection of children. In addition, the Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA) is concerned with children who require special educational services in order to develop to his/her full potential. The Hicksville Council of PTAs is the coordinating body, with its own Executive Committee and representatives of the individual units. Together, they work toward the same goal shared by the district as a whole - excellence in educational opportunities for all Hicksville students.

The PTA sponsors a wide variety of special activities for parents and students. At the annual Founders Day celebration, the PTA honors individuals, including staff members and parents, who have made outstanding contributions to the PTA’s goals and objectives. The PTA invites all parents and teachers to join and participate. All PTA unit meetings are noted on the calendar pages. If you would like more information, please contact your unit president listed on the last page of this calendar.

Memorial Scholarship

Several years ago, the Hicksville High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) established a memorial scholarship fund. It is an ongoing fund which can be used in honor of a special occasion or for memorial purposes. Contributions should be directed to the Hicksville High School Memorial Scholarship Fund, c/o Hicksville High School PTSA. Appropriate acknowledgments are sent to the person or family of the person in whose name a donation is made.

Educational Program

Hicksville Public School’s educational program is designed to prepare students for the world into which they will graduate. The district curriculum is aligned to the rigor of the State Standards and designed to ensure students meet graduation requirements for college and career readiness. Development and evaluation of curriculum is an annual process to guarantee that students are provided with a program that meets this rigor and preparation. Performance objectives are established for each course with flexibility to allow for individual growth and differentiated instruction.

Educational goals and objectives set by the Board of Education serve as a framework upon which the educational program is built. These objectives include the development of academic and study skills, physical and intellectual development, scientific understanding, aesthetic expression, career development, and an awareness of the interaction between the individual and society. Hicksville Public School’s programs provide for excellence in education in each curriculum 
area, with opportunities for intervention and enrichment.

Internet Safety Policy

It is the philosophy of the school district that integration of technology with the curriculum is an essential part of instruction. At the same time, there is an inherent responsibility on the part of users to conduct themselves in an appropriate and considerate manner when using this medium. The Internet contains a rich array of educational content as well as information that is illegal or inappropriate for children. Therefore, Internet resources are filtered for inappropriate content, students are educated about the district’s Internet Safety Policy, and appropriate online behavior, and student use is monitored and supervised by staff. However, the security, accuracy and quality of information that is available through our network cannot be guaranteed. While the guidelines that follow have been developed to ensure responsible use of our computer network and the Internet, we respect each family’s right to deny independent Internet use by their children in school. 

Parent/Guardian Option

A parent/guardian may deny their child independent access to the Internet at any time by submitting a letter to the school. However, teacher-directed Internet activities are part of our curriculum and not subject to parent/guardian authorization. Such activities may include the use of various online educational websites and services that may require students to set up individual user accounts, with the minimum required personal information, solely for the purpose of accessing such services in connection with approved classroom instruction. Unless a parent/guardian denies access for their child, students will be permitted to set up their accounts, with the consent of their teachers, in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. For the full Board of Education Policy 4526, please visit: www.hicksvillepublicschools.org.

Elementary School 

Hicksville’s seven elementary schools - Burns, Dutch, East, Fork, Lee, Old Country Road, and Woodland - offer a standards-based curriculum with skills and activities aligned to those standards. The hands-on science program encourages children to observe, ask questions, touch and experiment. Field trips offer students experiential learning throughout Long Island. A district-wide bilingual program offers students the opportunity to learn academic content in two languages with varying amounts of each language in accordance with the district’s program model. Students can participate in music with band, orchestra and chorus and the district’s string instrumental program begins in third grade. Students take advantage of the new library-media centers in all seven elementary schools. 

Middle School 

Hicksville Middle School educates approximately 1,200 students. Students are accelerated in both mathematics and science. The language program expands at this level and students may begin studying American Sign Language (ASL), French, Italian and Spanish. The music department offers exceptional opportunities for Band, Orchestra and Chorus students. In addition, middle school students can take advantage of our state-of-the-art curriculum for class piano, as well as discover different types of world music in our sixth and seventh grade general music curriculum. The art program continues the robust work the students explored in grades K-5. Students that have their eye on more artistic pursuits have an opportunity to be recommended for Studio in Art when in eighth grade. There are public art displays for all students year round. Other offerings include robotics, family and consumer science, technology and computer education. Social and emotional learning is a daily practice supported by the advisory period and the Sandy Hook Promise. There are interscholastic and intramural sports programs for all students

High School 

Hicksville High School educates approximately 1,700 students. A wide selection of classes and programs are offered at the high school including 20 Advanced Placement (AP) courses, and 17 College Level classes in mathematics, business, science, engineering, world languages and video technology. Parents and students can access the high school Course of Studies Catalog to learn more. Additional electives include Nassau BOCES career and technical education as well as courses in engineering, science, computer science, art and photography, business, English, world languages, math, music and social studies. A variety of co-curricular activities are available to students, including special interest clubs, service organizations, and publications. Students participate in varsity athletic teams and interscholastic sports as well as extracurricular activities. For more information about each curricular program, please contact the appropriate administrator listed on the last page of this calendar. 

Summer Programs 

The Board of Education and Administration are committed to providing opportunities for emotional and social growth, as well as intellectual and skill development for students during the summer months. Contingent upon Board and budget approval, programs are offered to students who are residents of Hicksville. These programs may include Summer Academic Programs, the Summer Recreation Program, and Summer Enrichment Program.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals

Free and reduced-price meals are available for students who qualify under federal income eligibility guidelines. Confidentiality is assured for all participants in this program. Applications are emailed annually for all students, and may be obtained on the district website and the main office of each school. Residents wishing to 
apply for these programs should contact the Assistant Superintendent for Business at 516-733-2110.

Student Records

Under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents of students under age 18, and students or graduates age 18 or older, may review, obtain copies (for a nominal fee), and challenge the accuracy or fairness of the student’s educational records. Requests to review instructional materials should be directed to the building Principal. Upon receipt of such request, arrangements shall be made to provide access to such material to within 30 calendar days after the request has been received. Complaints should be forwarded to the Superintendent’s Office, 200 Division Avenue, Hicksville, NY 11801-4800. Subsequent complaints may be filed in writing to: The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Office, Department of Education, 330 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201. 

Student Directory Information

The district has the option under FERPA of designating certain categories of student information as “Directory Information,” including a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major course of study, participation in schools activities and sports, weight and height if a member of an athletic team, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, most recent school attended, photograph/image (still or moving), audio clips, grade level, email address and class roster.

Once FERPA notification is given by the district, the parent/guardian will have 14 days to notify the district of any objections they have to any of the “Directory Information” designations. If no objection is received, the district may release this information without prior approval of the parent/guardian. Once the parent/guardian provides the “opt out” notice, it will remain in effect after the student is no longer enrolled in the district. The district may elect to provide a single notice regarding 
both directory information and information disclosed to military recruiters and institutions of higher education. 

DASA - Dignity for All Students Act 

It is the policy of the district to prohibit bullying, harassment or discrimination against any student by a student or students and/or employee or employees on school property or at a school function including, but not limited to, the discrimination based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. Acts of bullying or harassment are prohibited, whether they are committed directly or indirectly, in person (face-to-face), or remotely by use of electronic technology, either on school property, at a school function, on a school or coach bus or off school property where there is a sufficient nexus to the school environment. For the Board to effectively enforce this policy and to take prompt corrective measures when the policy is violated, it is essential that all victims and persons with knowledge of bullying, harassment, or similar behavior report it immediately to district administrative staff.

Dignity Act Coordinators for each school have been trained in human relations in the areas of race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender and sex:

Burns Avenue: Jason Chin 516-733-2311
Dutch Lane: Janine Rossi 516-733-2361
East Street: Joseph Messana 516-733-2321
Fork Lane: Susan Guiliano 516-733-2341
Lee Avenue: Stephanie Stam 516-733-2351
Old Country Road: Laura McConnell 516-733-2301
Woodland: Beth Swanson 516-733-2331
Middle School: Benjamin Tangney 516-733-2262
High School: Raymond Williams 516-733-2201
District: Andrea Pekar/Jeanette Perrotta 516-733-2125

Parents’ Bill of Rights

The purpose of the Parents’ Bill of Rights is to inform parents (which also include legal guardians or persons in parental relation to a student, but generally not the parents of a student who is age 18 or over) of the legal requirements regarding privacy, security, and use of student data. In addition to FERPA, Education Law 2-d provides important protections for student data, and remedies for breaches of the responsibility to maintain security and confidentiality of such data. 

Non-Discrimination - Equal Access and Opportunity for All

Hicksville Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of economic status, intellectual ability, race, national background, religion, disability, sex or age in any of its educational programs or activities, or in its employment practices. Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (as amended), The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and The Age Discrimination Act, prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, disability, and age, respectively. This policy of nondiscrimination includes: recruitment and employment of employees, salaries, pay and other benefits, counseling services to students, student access to course offerings, educational programs, and other activities. 

Inquiries concerning the application of this policy on nondiscrimination, or complaints of discrimination based upon any of the above-referenced categories may be directed to the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, Hicksville Public Schools, 200 Division Avenue, Hicksville, NY 11801-4800, 516-733-2125.

Title I and IX - Complaint Procedures

As required by Title IX, General Provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the NYS Education Department (NYSED) has adopted procedures for receiving and resolving complaints and for reviewing appeals from decisions of Local Education Agencies (LEA/District). Complaints concerning violations of ESEA Title I, Parts A, C, and D, or of the General Education Provisions Act; or of Section 110.2(ee) Academic Intervention Services of the Regulations of the Commissioner are covered by these procedures.

Sexual Harassment

The Board of Education recognizes that harassment of students, staff, and “non-employees” (which includes contractors, subcontractors, vendors, consultants and other persons providing services pursuant to a contract, or their employees) on the basis of sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression and/or sexual orientation is abusive and illegal behavior that harms victims and negatively impacts the school culture by creating an environment of fear, distrust, intimidation and intolerance. The Board of Education further recognizes that preventing and remedying such harassment in schools is essential to ensure a healthy, nondiscriminatory environment in which students can learn and employees and “non-employees” can work productively. To this end, the Board of Education condemns and strictly prohibits all forms of sexual harassment on school grounds, school buses, and at all school-sponsored activities, programs and events including those taking place outside the school district. The District provides a Sexual Harassment Formal Complaint Form for complaints. 

Pesticide Spraying

For several years, the district has been involved in an Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM) in accordance with NYS Department of Education regulations. The Pesticide Notification Law requires the district to form a registry of any student, parent or staff member who wishes to receive written notification 48 hours prior to a regular pesticide application. Individuals may request that their names be added to the school registry at any time during the school year. Please be aware that in a case of emergency, we may not be able to provide a 48-hour notice. All interested parties should contact the district’s pesticide representative in the facilities and operations office at 516-733-2180, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Asbestos Management Plan

Public Notice of Asbestos Management Plan in accordance with NYS Department of Education requirements under Environmental Protection Agency regulation (40 CFR Part 763): The Asbestos Management Plan and any response actions taken or planned are available in the district’s facilities and operations office. All interested parties should contact the local education agency’s designated person in the facilities and operations office at 516-733-2180, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Fire Safety Reports

Notice is hereby given that the annual fire safety inspections, conducted during April 2020 for Hicksville High School, Hicksville Middle School, Burns Avenue School, Dutch Lane School, East Street School, Fork Lane School, Lee Avenue School, Old Country Road School, Woodland School, Willet Avenue School, the Administration Building, Hicksville Public Library, Library Administration Building and the Library Computer Resource Center of Hicksville UFSD, for fire hazards which may endanger the lives of students, teachers and employees therein, have been completed and the report is available at the facilities and operations office at 200 Division Avenue, Hicksville, NY 11801, for inspection by all interested parties.

Sheltering/Early Dismissal Drill 

The annual sheltering and early dismissal will be held on Friday, October 6th for all schools in the district. This drill is a requirement of the NYS Education Department.

Special Education

It is the goal of the Hicksville School District to provide each student with “free” and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. To meet the special education needs of children with disabilities, the district provides a full continuum including support services, resource rooms and special classes designed to meet the individual child’s capabilities and learning style. The network of teaching and support staff is aimed at encouraging students to work and learn with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent possible. In some cases, the severity of the disability may require placement in special classes or schools operated by the Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) or in other private schools. However, no placement is made without the approval of the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and the child’s parent. 

If you believe that your child (from birth to age 21) may have a disability, you are urged to call the Office of Special Education at 516-733-2160.

Speech and Language Services

Speech and language therapists employed by the district work with the speech, language, and hearing impaired students ages 3-21 years. Services are provided by the Committee on Special Education/Committee on Preschool Special Education to classified parochial and public school students to help remediate these areas. Instructional services are provided in a public or private school setting on an individual or small-group basis.

Parents’ Right to Know 

Parents of students attending public school districts must be notified annually of their right to request information regarding the qualifications of their child’s teachers and any teaching assistants providing services to their child. Under Section 3012-c of the Education Law, districts must notify parents that they have the right to access composite APPR score for their child’s teacher and/or principal.

Health Services

The Hicksville School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being and ability by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. Pursuant to 204 of the Child Nutrition and Women, Infants and Child Reauthorization Act of 2004, and 918 of the NYS Education Law, the district established the Wellness Policy to enhance learning and development of lifelong wellness practices. The Wellness Policy includes nutrition educational goals, physical activity goals and school activities goals and establishes nutrition standards for food and beverages served to students. The policy also includes annual monitoring and evaluation of goals.

The district maintains robust web pages focused on Student Health & Wellness, including important information concerning Health Services, Home Teaching, Wellness Policy and contact information for the district and school nurses (nurse contacts are also listed on the inside back page of this calendar). Each School has a full-time registered nurse on duty to provide a variety of health-screening services, and to administer first aid. School nurses maintain health histories of all children and conduct vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings during the year. It is important that parents keep the Health Office informed of any changes in their child’s health.

Student Physicals

According to Education Law Section 903, every student in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grades and all new admissions to the district are required to submit a health certificate signed by a duly licensed physician authorized to practice medicine in New York State. The physical examination form will request a body mass index (BMI) and weight status category. NYS requires biennial reporting of weight status categories. To opt out of weight status reporting, please contact district Nurse Coordinator Gail Hunker: [email protected]. All students in Pre-K, K and first grade in public elementary school are requested to present a dental certificate. Whenever possible, physical examinations should be conducted by your family physician. The physical cannot be more than 12 months old when presented to the district. If we do not receive the information from you or your family physician, your school nurse will contact you to remind you of the need to provide the physical form. Please be advised that the school nurse will send a final notification that will inform you that you must comply with this requirement or the district physician will perform the medical examination. The physical must be on the required health examination form.

Medical Exemption

Medical exemptions must be renewed annually; it must contain information to identify medical contraindications to specific immunization, must specify the length of time immunization is contraindicated and must be written by a physician licensed to practice in the state of New York. 

Guidance and Counseling

Hicksville offers a comprehensive program of guidance and counseling services to all students, their parents, and members of the school community. Counseling services are diversified and address the special needs of each grade level. Guidance counselors provide support services addressing the academic as well as social and emotional needs of students faced with important personal and career choices. They guide students in making appropriate decisions, solving problems, and accepting responsibility for planning their programs of study by examining future goals, special skills and talents, and individual capabilities. Guidance counselors serve as resources for parents with information about scholarships, financial aid, interpreting test scores, graduation requirements, and college and technical choices.

Career Resource Center

The Career Resource Center, located at the high school Guidance and Counseling Center, provides students with information for college and career planning. The Center is available during regular school hours to students attending Hicksville High School. 

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) 

In our elementary schools, our support staff provides classroom presentations, individual/group counseling and community support/referrals. This creates a supportive forum for students to talk about feelings, express concerns, share ideas and problem solve. The goal is to incorporate social-emotional learning, mindfulness and teach coping skills. This will help students achieve academic success and develop social-emotional skills in response to the various issues they are facing. Our elementary guidance counselor presents guidance lessons in the classroom. These lessons align with our district’s social-emotional learning focus and incorporate components of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.

In our secondary schools, support staff assist students with developing skills in areas such as healthy interpersonal relationships, decision-making, coping with emotions, life skills, resilience and goal achievement. A special emphasis is placed on developing and utilizing mindfulness techniques. Through in-person and virtual support, services can include individual and group counseling, phone sessions, activities/lessons, classroom presentations, school-wide initiatives, and community referrals. Hicksville High School and Hicksville Middle School have incorporated the beliefs and values of the “Start with Hello” program into their schools’ cultures and is implemented through assemblies, announcements, posters in the hallways, advisory period (HMS), and overall promotion of unity, kindness, and inclusivity for all.

School Psychological Services

Psychological counseling services are provided to students designated by the Committee on Special Education. Evaluations are conducted to determine special education needs. Attempts are always made to reach early diagnosis and appraisal of each child and direct assistance is given to students and parents, as appropriate, to help with the child’s education. School support teams, comprised of administrators, teachers, counselors, psychologists and social workers, review student performance and make educational recommendations.

School Social Work Services

The services of the district team of social workers are available in the following areas: child abuse, chronic truancy, family court petitions, home-school liaison and visitation, severe discipline problems, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, maltreatment and educational neglect, medical and physical neglect, child-family counseling, special education services, mandated counseling, alternative family placement and agency referral and liaison. Social workers coordinate efforts with other school community agencies to provide services to students and their families.

Working Papers

Students under the age of 18 seeking employment require working papers. Applications and working papers are issued by the High School Guidance Office between the hours of 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. when school is in session, and from 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. during July and August. The completed application must be signed by a parent or guardian, and must be accompanied by a birth or baptismal certificate to verify age, and a doctor’s certification that the student is physically fit to work. For additional information, call 516-733-2220.

Community Services

In addition to programs for enrolled students, community needs are also met by the district. Our district provides support, resources, information, programs and workshops for children and parents. These resources focus on positive parenting, health and safety issues, academics, social and emotional well-being for a diverse audience.

Community Use of Facilities

Public schools serve as centers for community life. Not-for-profit, nonsectarian organizations may use school facilities according to district regulations. Applications and inquiries should be directed to the Office of Facilities and Operations at the Administration Building by calling 516-733-2180. Although the Board of Education encourages community groups to use school facilities for civic, educational, cultural or recreational purposes under normal circumstances, school-sponsored activities will take precedence in scheduling the use of schools or school grounds.

Hicksville Gregory Museum 

The Hicksville Gregory Museum provides educational and cultural displays and services in earth and environmental sciences, natural history and Long Island history. Personalized group and school tours can be arranged by appointment. The Hicksville Gregory Museum is located on Heitz Place and Bay Avenue, and Hicksville residents receive free admission to the museum. Contact the museum directly for more information: 516-822-7505.

Voter Qualifications

Every eligible school district resident should exercise his or her right to participate in the democratic process, and to vote on the school budget and for Board of Education trustees. This is an important way for community residents to make their voices heard and play an active role in our public schools. Hicksville residents who have lived in the district for at least 30 days prior to the vote date, who are U.S. citizens and 18 years of age or older, and who are currently and properly registered, may vote. In-person registration is conducted before each regular and special election, and a voter remains registered by voting at least once in each four-year period and maintaining residence in the district. 

Residents currently registered for general elections and meeting the qualifications outlined above are also eligible to vote in school elections. For additional information, contact the office of the District Clerk between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at 516-733-2104 or visit the Voter Information webpage.

 STAR Property Tax Exemptions

If you have recently bought your home or you have never applied for the STAR Benefit on your current home, you may be eligible for the BASIC or Enhanced STAR Credit Check. Visit the NYS STAR web page for more information and forms.

Tax Exemptions for Senior Citizens

Hicksville Public Schools demonstrates its support for our senior community by adopting the Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption, which provides partial property tax relief on a sliding-scale basis to residents meeting the required criteria. 

Under the current provisions of the law, the maximum income permitted, including Social Security, for a senior citizen’s real property exemption is $37,999. Exemptions ranging from 50 percent to 5 percent are based on a sliding scale. For more information, contact the Nassau County Department of Assessment at 516-571-1500. 

Security & Vandalism

School property belongs to the citizens of Hicksville and we must all do our part to see that no purposeful damage is done. If vandalism or other deliberate damage occurs, full restitution will be required from the guilty parties, parents or guardians in accordance with the law.