
High School celebrates the Class of 2024

High School celebrates the Class of 2024
Posted on 07/01/2024

Hicksville High School graduates made their way to the school’s athletic field on June 22 as “Pomp and Circumstance” played and cheers from family and friends filled the air. The commencement ceremony kicked off with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Principal Raymond Williams was the first to welcome the Class of 2023, offering peace and thanks to all. His welcome was followed by graduating seniors Arvin Mehra and Maira Fahim singing of the national anthem. 

After the national anthem, Principal Williams began his remarks to the graduates by acknowledging them for their hard work and the choices they have made to get to this point. He praised them for the strong, solid academic foundation they have which will position them well for the next several years and beyond.

Among the many points he shared, he asked the Class of 2024 as they move into adulthood to be mindful of “time.” Principal Williams continued, “Time is finite and irreplaceable and is truly the single greatest commodity we have.” He said, “We spend time with our families, friends, exercising and online and time ultimately gets us everything we want and everything we need in this life and it’s amazing how time flies!” He encouraged the students to cherish every second and use their time wisely and remember it’s not the quantity of time but the quality of time and how it is spent that will determine the fulfillment and success life will bring.

The Hicksville High School principal concluded his remarks with, “Live a life of gratitude, be thankful for what you have and remember, negativity is the enemy of gratitude.” He thanked the students for the time they have spent together and wished them all well.

Other speakers included Superintendent of Schools Theodore Fulton, Ed.D. and honored guest Joseph Feeser, IV, Hall of Fame recipient 2024; Board of Education trustee Linda Imbriale and Class of 2024 valedictorian Melanie Unger, salutatorian Zahel Nasari and student government president Gia Rangi. The students each addressed their classmates directly, reminiscing about fond memories made together, and shared good wishes as they move forward in life.

Valedictorian Melanie Unger expressed gratitude to her family, teachers and told her fellow classmates they are all worthy of this day and the diplomas they are about to receive. She continued, “There will be good times ahead and tough times but never give up.” The valedictorian closed her speech by saying, “keep believing in yourself, keep striving and never lose sight of the ability and strength you hold to create the life you desire.”

When Superintendent of Schools Theodore Fulton spoke, he began with a warm welcome to the students and guests in attendance at the morning celebration. Throughout his speech, Dr. Fulton expressed gratitude and appreciation to all. The Superintendent reinforced humble words of wisdom for the graduating class saying, “No matter what,
always be yourself, always be true to yourself!”

Along with congratulations and best wishes, the Hicksville Superintendent said, “Embrace what makes you unique, hold true to who you are and follow your dreams and never settle for second place.”

 After the speakers, the high point of the ceremony took place. Diplomas were presented to the Class of 2024, and each graduate received applause and cheers from guests as their name was called.

Class of 2024

Class of 2024

Class of 2024

Class of 2024

Hicksville High School celebrated the graduating Class of 2024.